

Fellowship (FICR)

Fellowship is by application only and must be considered and granted by the ICR Board of Directors.

In order for your application to be processed you need to supply evidence of the following:

  • Qualifications - BSc in Life Sciences (or equivalent); clinical research academic qualification (MSc, PgDip etc); nursing qualification; cognate degree or the ICR certificate & diploma examinations. A current CV is sufficient
  • At least 3 years continuous membership of ICR at Professional level (MICR).
  • At least 10 years experience in clinical research (five at senior level). A current CV is sufficient
  • Minimum of 2 years Continuing Professional Development evidence. Once Fellowship is granted you must continue to provide evidence on an annual basis.
  • Significant contribution to the field of clinical research.
  • Two supporting referees, each to complete a reference form.
  • Other supporting evidence.


It is important that you present evidence of previous learning activities, knowledge acquired, and how you have put that information into practice. Please supply a statement of approximately 200-500 words outlining your particular contribution to the field of clinical research.

ICR reserves the right to approve Fellow applications without specific criteria being met in exceptional circumstances.


Honorary Fellowship (HonFICR)

Honorary Fellowship is by nomination only and is awarded to those who have made a significant contribution to ICR and/or to the clinical research profession.  

Nominations for Honorary Fellowship must be proposed by two Fellows or Members of the ICR and include:

  1. A statement justifying the nomination in terms of contribution to ICR and/or the clinical research profession in not more than 500 words
  2. A current CV 


 For all Fellowship enquiries please contact us using the details at the top of the page. ** mke link to # **