Support – Research – Community
Is a membership-led independent association for clinical research professionals, in commercial and non-commercial environments.
For over 50 years, we have provided high quality training, networking and support to the clinical research community since its first incarnation as the Association for Clinical Research in the Pharmaceutical Industry (ACRPI).
ANNOUNCEMENT : ICR are delighted to announce a new collaboration with the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) to deliver bespoke clinical trial training to provide our staff with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead high-quality research, as identified as a priority in the O’Shaughnessy report.
See the press release here : ICR – Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
The ICR is the membership, governed by the Articles of Memorandum drawn up by the founding members.
The Board is made up of members who give their time freely to guide the future direction of The ICR.
The ICR Office is the administrative arm of the Institute, its primary focus is to ensure that the wishes of the Board and Membership are carried out and to see to the day-to-day tasks that any membership organisation generates.
The ICR has three guiding principles:
- Developing Professionals
- Sharing Knowledge
- Raising Standards
We exist to support our members through all stages of their careers. We do this by aiming to provide:
- A home for commercial and non-commercial professionals in Clinical Research, especially Clinical Research Operations
- A source of Clinical Research information including forums for discussion of key issues impacting clinical research
- Opportunities for learning and development to enhance professional competence
- A representative voice for Clinical Researchers in consultations especially with Regulators and Government
- Promotion of the profile of Clinical Research enhancing public confidence and understanding of clinical research
- A map for Clinical Researchers of the ecosystem, with signposts to other relevant membership organisations. This includes promoting good relations with other healthcare related groups